Rotary Club of Clarksville Photo Gallery

Max Hochstetler Art and Pictures
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These are just a few pictures of the art of Max. The murals at Austin Peay State University and some other pictures of him. There are also murals at Opryland Hotel completed by Max. Photos by Jim Jay

2019 Tennessee Fiddlers Championship
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Picture and Videos of the 2019 TN Fiddler Championship held on Aug 24, 2019 at The Wilma Rudolph Event Center, Clarksville, TN. Photos by Jim Jay

Planting Trees in Rotary Park; Meeting the RI President’s Challenge
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The Clarksville Rotary Club and around 70 volunteers from the community spent their Saturday morning planting 100 trees at Rotary Park.
Jeff Sherman with Rotary said that the Rotary International President challenged every Rotarian to plant a tree this year and internationally there are more than one million members. Saturday was also 250K Day in Tennessee and the Tennessee Environmental Council encouraged 25,000 volunteers to plant 25,000 trees across the state.

2017 Go Commando Marathon
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The Clarksville Rotary Club is proud to announce the 7th Annual GO COMMANDO HALF MARATHON AND 5K which will be held in Clarksville, TN on Saturday, October 21, 2017. This year’s half marathon and 5K course will take you through gently rolling hills outside the city limits of Clarksville. Lots of entertainment along the route. There will be water stops and port-a-potties locations scattered throughout the course to provide all necessary amenities for an overall awesome experience.